Disrupt the Art World | Invest in All Forms of Art

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Active Lifestyle | 0 comments

Why buy art?

Art has always held a special place in society.  From the first cave paintings to historic masterpieces, art tells a story, your story.

But art isn’t just for elites with deep pockets; art is for everyone.

Whether it’s a cherished canvas, a sculpture or a print, owning art brings joy and a better quality-of-life.

Let’s explore some intelligent thinking on art’s value.


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Thoughts on the Value of Art

Vincent van Gogh once said, “Art is to console those who are broken by life.”

Van Gogh’s sentiment reflected the deep emotional connection art can foster to a sense of peace, solace and inspiration.

Similarly, the iconic Pablo Picasso believed that “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

For Picasso, art was a way to cleanse the mind and spirit, to find new perspectives in the mundane and to evoke a sense of the tranquil.

Contemporary collectors also echo these sentiments.

The renowned art collector Peggy Guggenheim once said, “Art is the soul of the artist transmitted to the viewer.”

For Ms. Guggenheim owning art was more about one’s connection to the artist’s emotions, ideas and experiences.


The Benefits of Owning Art

Owning art is both a financial investment (can’t hide the truth) and an investment in your psychological well-being.

Art can have a profound impact on your mental health.

Studies have shown that viewing art reduces stress, improves mood and enhances cognition.

Art releases dopamine.

It stimulates the brain, encouraging creativity and problem-solving skills.

Moreover, art has the power to personalize your space, making your home or office a reflection of your personality.

It can evoke memories, spark conversations and create a welcoming atmosphere for guests.  A professional with art that features pathways is subtly telling his or her clients that wherever they are today, they will be in a better place tomorrow.

It’s the reason clients hire a professional.

As for your home, it goes without saying that the place you entertain family and friends, maybe have that first IMPORTANT date, maybe have kids, pets and all of the ups and downs of life needs to be your story, your entire story.

This is about reminding yourself who you are, it’s about making the people you love feel at home.  It’s about sometimes being frustrated with things and most often, I hope, enjoying life.

All of these goals are big dreams.  Let’s face it, you don’t just do it, it takes some thought, especially since it has to work with the decor.

It helps to have a décor plan.  (Don’t worry, we have a service for that too.)


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Come take a listen, learn how THE FURNITURE & ART CONCIERGE can help decorate a home.


Enjoying Art Within Your Budget

Art is not ONLY for the wealthy. True, some pieces command astronomical prices.

But really so what, who cares!!!  Why let that stop you?  There are many affordable options!

Art fairs, online galleries and local markets are all excellent places to find affordable art.

In fact, many art lovers find immense satisfaction in discovering local emerging artists.

These pieces have the added satisfaction of lending support to an artist you’ve come to know.

Here is my suggestion:  begin curating a collection and grow it over years.


The Value of Prints

Prints often get overlooked or dismissed as mere reproductions lacking the value of originals. However, prints can be just as joyful.

Prints offer financial accessibility. Whether it’s a classic Monet or a contemporary Warhol, prints make it possible to own art history.

Prints also make art more accessible to younger generations who are beginning to explore their tastes.

Beyond their affordability, prints can hold deep personal meaning.  What’s more prints can be easily switched out of a frame so you can refresh your space with new memories.

Whether it’s a vintage travel poster from a vacation or, DARE I SAY IT, a great piece of clothing, art offers you an emotional connection to your life.

But the truly great thing about prints is that they can also make you a walking canvas.


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First the great news:  The graphics on our clothing and accessories can all be requested as prints.

Yes, if you love an art piece, HANG IT ON YOUR WALL TOO.

Our job is to make you happy.  Believe me, we don’t care how we put a smile on your face, we just want to make you smile.

The next great thing:  you will get stopped walking down the street and complimented. I get it all the time.  Nothing like getting an in-person-like.  So much better then on social media.


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If you want to chat, come say hi.

So Let’s Admit it, Art is for Everyone

Art brings universal joy.

It’s not about the price tag or artist’s prestige, it’s about your connection to it. Whether you choose to invest in originals, emerging artists, prints, or cloths … own art.

Take control of telling your story.   It’s time to disrupt the art world, just a little!



About Elliot Nitkin

About Elliot Nitkin

Elliot is recognized as a visionary in Art Design, captivating the industry with his fervent passion for pioneering art clothing designs. His fresh approach is setting new trends and redefining style in the fashion world.

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